To give substance to our CSR approach, we have created the Avenir Meilleur program, to further formalize
our commitments, actions and improvement objectives.

Impact company
To reinforce our commitment as an economic player and make our impact an integral part of our strategy, we have amended our articles of association to become a company with an impact-based business model.
Our commitment: To generate a positive and significant social, societal and environmental impact in the performance of our activities by measuring the consequences of our decisions on people and the environment.
This business model involves all the company’s internal stakeholders.
The CODIR, as well as each employee, must integrate social and environmental performance into their day-to-day activities.
We all have individual objectives in this respect, and we monitor numerous performance indicators. These KPIs guide our strategy. They determine our ambitions and enable us to track our progress.

Co-construction of the CSR strategy
Chez Loca Service, nous sommes tous acteurs et tous responsables !
le programme Avenir Meilleur est piloté sous forme de groupes de travail thématiques, composés de collaborateurs volontaires.
Ils définissent les projets durables de l’entreprise et conseillent et challengent les choix stratégiques pour s’assurer qu’ils répondent à nos engagements.
Clarity and transparency
In accordance with our Code of Ethics, we apply the general principles of professional deontology and ethics:
Respecting international rules Ensuring diversity, fairness and inclusion Fighting corruption Communicating honestly Ensuring respect for competition Preserving confidentiality
We believe it’s essential to be clear and transparent, and to be consistent between our values, our commitments and our day-to-day practices.

We place the fairness, development and well-being of the employees at the heart of our concerns.
Each project is developed in close collaboration with our customers, true partners in our strategy.
Find out more about our sustainable development policy and how we preserve our planet, its natural resources and biodiversity.
We care about our economic impact on communities and external stakeholders by embracing diversity, equity and inclusion.