Browsing this site is subject to these conditions of use. By accessing the information made available by Loca Service on its website, you acknowledge that you have read these conditions of use and accept them.

SAS BOUVE LOCA SERVICE head office – Rue de l’Yser

59480 La Bassée – France Tel. +33(0)3 20 95 52 00 Fax +33(0)3 20 95 52 07

N° SIRET : 448 274 316 00018 Code APE : 7739 Z N° identification TVA : FR22448274316

Publication managers Aurélien BOUVE, president of SAS Bouve Loca Service

OVH Hosting – 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France

Design of the NEOWEB site – 165, Avenue de Bretagne – 59000 Lille – France

Photo credits: © Loca Service Applicable law: The content of this site is governed by French law.

Personal data You have the right to access, oppose and rectify data concerning you. You can exercise this right at any time by sending your request via the contact form.

Protection of personal data In accordance with regulations relating to information technology, files and freedoms, the automated processing of personal data carried out from this site has been the subject of a declaration to the CNIL (receipt number 1968554 dated of June 15, 2016). Loca Service therefore undertakes to take all useful precautions in order to protect the personal data processed by this site (via the contact or newsletter subscription functions), in particular so that they are not distorted, damaged or communicated to unauthorized third parties.

About the “Send to a friend” function This function is offered on all pages of this site (envelope icon on the left of each page). Via an input form, it allows Internet users to report and comment on a page to other people. Loca Service cannot be held responsible for any damage whatsoever resulting from the use or misuse of this function.

Content of the site Loca Service cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision, updating or completeness of the information made available on this site. Consequently, Loca Service declines all responsibility for any imprecisions, inaccuracies or omissions relating to information available on this site.

Intellectual property This site, as well as all the elements composing it (in particular texts, photographs, videos, brands, etc.), constitute an intellectual work within the meaning of articles 112-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property code, falling under as such of French and international legislation on Literary and Artistic Property. Copying pages from the site onto any medium whatsoever (including hard drive) is authorized for private purposes only. Consequently, any representation or reproduction, even partial, which could be made of the site or the elements composing it, for commercial purposes, without the prior written consent of Loca Service is illicit and likely to constitute an act of counterfeiting incurring liability. civil and criminal of the infringer. The rights relating to advertising films as well as to musical works included in these films are reserved for the benefit of the owner of the recording of the work concerned.

Hypertext links The hypertext links set up within the framework of this website towards other sites present on the Internet network cannot engage the responsibility of Loca Service with regard to their content or the links they contain, as well as that their operating conditions (in particular management of personal data, etc.) The possibility of establishing simple hypertext links to the site is subject to the prior agreement of Loca Service. Any deep hypertext link, or using the “framing” technique (display of a page in a frame within another site), is prohibited.

Exemption from technical liability Loca Service undertakes to make its best efforts to ensure that the website is accessible at all times. However, Loca Service declines all responsibility in the event of difficulty accessing its site or interruptions in the connection, whatever the causes. In particular, Loca Service reserves the right to make any modification to the site that it deems useful, without prior warning and even if access to the site is consequently interrupted. In addition, Loca Service cannot be held responsible for any possible direct or indirect damage, including inaccessibility to the site, loss of data, damage, destruction or viruses which could affect your computer equipment, and/or the presence of viruses. on his site. You acknowledge having verified that the computer configuration used does not contain any viruses and is in perfect working order.

The general rental conditions are available on request by email.

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