Committed company... for you!
At Loca Service, we place fairness, development and the well-being of employees at the center of our concerns.
A family business since our creation, we are keen to keep this philosophy and this proximity in our daily operations.

Welcome to our house !
300 enthusiasts spread across France (and Europe!), representing so many different characters, cultures and stories. It is also this diversity that makes our company rich.
With more than 65 different professions, we recruit very varied profiles and personalities who contribute every day to growing and advancing Loca Service.
Between us...
10 years of challenges, discoveries and developments in various positions, that’s my experience and it’s only the beginning!

Marjorie – Sales Assistant
At headquarters for over 10 years
Entrée en tant que stagiaire puis alternante, je suis désormais en CDI – Cheffe de produit. Loca Service m’a fait confiance et m’a permis de grandir professionnellement, en étant toujours épanouie au travail !

Lucie – Cheffe de produit
Au siège depuis plus de 8 ans
No time to get bored ! There are always new projects and new challenges to take on. Since my arrival I have not had two days that were the same!

Gérard – Versatile Assembler
At the workshop for over 20 years
Behind the scenes from Loca Service!

World clean up day

Cork of Love!

Music festival and loc’harmony
On June 21, we are organizing a barbecue to celebrate the music festival.
Expect: good humor & songs from our choir, Loc’Harmony!

Bzzzz !!

Bééèèè !!

Sport events

Pink October

Our themed challenges!